Thursday 24 March 2016

First impression matters

   Sometimes is difficult to accept this idea, but first impression matters. The first think we see when looking to another is his or her presence and appearance, especially how he or she is dressed, and also about their looks. Because this is a reflexive state of mind that we can’t control, because this would be exactly like we were trying to control the sensation of hunger or needing a glass of water. 

   When looking for the first time (and not only, after all) on someone and seeing how is dressed, we can discover something about his character and personality. So dress exactly how you want to be treated and viewed and express your own style that can definitely make you feel very good just by making beautiful, professional and classy combinations.

   It’s so simple and yet so complicated to find the right style for us. But it is extremely rewarding!

Tuesday 8 March 2016

I Love Spring

   I don’t know how others are, but for me, every time I feel the blooming trees, the beautiful colors of the flowers and the coming spring, it’s absolutely marvelous. 

   It actually feels like I have more energy, I am more eager to do lots of interesting things, I enjoy more and more every project I’m in and I am thrilled to see the beautiful sun kind of starting to live again :)

   In the same time, it’s so obvious that now it’s a more proper time to take pictures and enjoy the relaxing walks on the park, reading on a seat, our clothes seem to be more colorful and the bike until now sitting alone in a separate place of our home, now can give us other relaxing moments.

   So yes, I love spring with its entire coming to life mood :) And now I’ve realize that for me, March it’s one of those months of the year that brought me over the years lots of decisions, changes and…new beginnings.