Tuesday 8 March 2016

I Love Spring

   I don’t know how others are, but for me, every time I feel the blooming trees, the beautiful colors of the flowers and the coming spring, it’s absolutely marvelous. 

   It actually feels like I have more energy, I am more eager to do lots of interesting things, I enjoy more and more every project I’m in and I am thrilled to see the beautiful sun kind of starting to live again :)

   In the same time, it’s so obvious that now it’s a more proper time to take pictures and enjoy the relaxing walks on the park, reading on a seat, our clothes seem to be more colorful and the bike until now sitting alone in a separate place of our home, now can give us other relaxing moments.

   So yes, I love spring with its entire coming to life mood :) And now I’ve realize that for me, March it’s one of those months of the year that brought me over the years lots of decisions, changes and…new beginnings.

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