Friday 12 August 2016

Talking about trust, confidentiality and how we can achieve it or lose it

   It’s been a while since I wrote my last article on here…

   Someone has asked me lately how come people get so close to me, why they have so much confidence or why do I smile so naturally? When talking about trust I know one thing: it means a lot of work and time to achieve it and you can lose it in a second.

   What some people seem not to understand that people, in general, have an interesting capacity of “feeling” good and genuine people, the ones with a pleasant personality, the ones that smile naturally and beautiful without making an effort out of it. On the other hand, when people interact with others that are rather fake, with a lot of frustration and envy, they also feel it. And even if is that simple, seems to be very hard to understand and to accept this idea.

   If we bring into discussion the idea about confidentiality and trust, again it is very important to outline the fact that it is a matter of common sense to know that if someone comes to you just for saying no matter what, this means that what you find out stays with you. Again, this is another thing that somehow people tend to feel it about those who have this quality or not of being trustworthy.

   And finally and like a sort of reminder: have always in mind that with what kind of people you interact every day and the people you chose to have by your side (professional or personal), ultimately will determine who you are and will “shape” you as a human being. 

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