Wednesday 15 February 2017

My best magic 32

   This is the name of one of my recent photographic albums received as my lovely birthday present from this year. Awesome and extraordinary present I have to admit :) Moreover because for me photography it’s not only a hobby but also a great life support and anchor. A combination of magic light, love, glitter, and gold for my soul.

   In general, when we celebrate our birthdays I saw that we involuntarily have a sort of analysis (paralysis? ;) ) feeling. Now I am speaking from my point of view, but also by seen so many other people in those celebrating moments. And now it’s the time when we put ourselves some questions. What we have achieved until now? What are our goals? What do we do with our day to day life? And so on.

   But suddenly I’ve stopped. I’ve just stopped putting any questions and just enjoy the ride. It took me a while to understand so many things, but now I got to that moment when everything starts to get into place. And it’s pretty awesome to realize that all your work it’s starting to take a shape.

   So for me, starting with this year it’s all about enjoying the ride. It’s about living into the present (accepting my past, through a great present for a wonderful future). It’s about being grateful for every wonderful life experience and for every lesson received. It’s about those extraordinary people in my life that helped me to become the person I am today. It’s about those moments that take my breath away and realizing that time it’s not measured in hours or minutes, but rather in this kind of moments. It’s about enjoying my favorite coffee with a mountain flavor. It’s about taking and receiving breathtaking pictures that make your soul alive as a sort of rebirth. It’s about learning new interesting things, taking actions according to my (soul) goals and writing new chapters of my life book every day.

   Knowing, understanding and taking action for myself, in all areas of my life, it’s my most important project. And exactly like one of the most important and dear people in my life once said to me, if I want something, I am the one in charge to make things happen. Because only by making me the “Project Manager” of my life I can love, develop, help, learn, work, listen, be positive, make a difference, laugh, be a good friend and colleague, be motivated,…in a word, “live”.

   My grateful inspiration for my best wow 32? Life it’s a game for two, whatever those two may mean: moments, emotions, pictures, people, roads, feelings, time, hearts, seasons, love… So let’s enjoy those magic positive moments because they are the ones that are the true gift of life.

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