Thursday 9 February 2017

Traveling - an endless journey to self discovery

That special love
     Traveling it’s about discovering you and learning so many things about you. Or at least this is the main idea that I felt at the beginning of this year when I had the chance to visit some dear friends in the UK. Apart from the fact that I had the opportunity to see great architectural attractions, for me the most important achievement seen through this trip, was to discover things about me that I would have never thought about.
     One thing it’s for sure: stepping outside your comfort zone definitely makes you stronger and stronger. And through this experience, I truly felt this idea of “your life really starts when you step outside your comfort zone”. I suppose for those people who already made a habit out of traveling or even moving in another country, everything I say in this article will be very common. But I hope it will be useful this reminder of the benefits of traveling, as I saw them in this short almost a week trip for those who just think about traveling for the moment and they need an impulse to take action.

  • Knowing new people, different nationalities, with different life habits and gestures, with different ideas and language – going to the UK made me realize big time that feeling of diversity.
  • The new places you have the chance to explore – from my photographic point of view, this is another extraordinary moment to live. Suddenly I started to see new colors, new lights, and angles, different buildings, or reflections.
  • Learning the history of the place – it’s a sort of special history lesson; the difference between learning it on the field as to say, and the lesson received in school is the fact that the place you visit or choose to live in it marks you in a more profound way.
  • It gives you a boost of confidence – and it’s definitely different from the one received just by staying in your own safe environment.
  • You learn to become more organized – starting from booking your plane tickets and ending (or not ;) ) with the luggage you want to have with you, every info it’s useful for your development. And not to speak about the actual moment when you have to pass through different filters, check-ins and so on, all new and exciting.
  • It makes you wonder if you would like to try to take other decisions for your life and to explore and travel more – if until that trip I have never really thought about making this kind of change in my life, now I feel like I want to make this kind of step because I am more aware of both professional and personal benefits.
  • People who care for you and love you will always be there – before this trip I had the fix idea that making this kind of change in my life will make me lose my family or friends; actually, in this kind of moments you discover who really is there by your side and will always be there for you, no matter the distance.
  • You become more creative in and after every trip – it’s almost impossible not to feel so many ideas like sparkles coming into your mind and the feeling it’s absolutely amazing.

     After this first journey, I started to see more and more that life (and traveling) after all it’s an endless journey of self discovery.

     How do you see your long lasting traveling life journey? :)

That photographic airplane window


  1. Wow! You're camera it's just amazing! Of course, the camera is just a tool, the credit goes to the one who use it! The big "disadvantage" of travelling is that one's you've taste it, you can't get enough of it!

    1. Thank you so much, Raluca! Indeed, you are right, traveling seems to be for me a one way ticket life experience :)
