Wednesday 11 January 2017

What you expect, it’s what you get

Hello again everyone, from a very snowy Bucharest.

The title of today’s article is taken from a book I’m just reading it these days. I’ve resonated very well with this idea, that’s why I thought it could be a good reminder for all of us. What I’ve found out to be very intriguing about this saying it’s precisely the fact that, in general, we are not aware of this aspect of life. Actually, I’ve heard many times a dialogue like: “– I don’t want this, or I don’t want that, and I don’t understand why I receive exactly what I don't want.”

What I’ve chosen to see as absolutely fascinating is exactly the fact that we, humans, are more tempted to highlight and discuss about what we don’t want, instead of what we want. Probably because our brain has a very specific construction to see in the first moment the negative, and just after that to acknowledge the positive. Or, in order to reverse the situation, this means a lot of work with us.

If you will pay attention to the ones around you, no matter if we talk about friends and family, colleagues, collaborators, and so on, you will most likely see the pattern of using the “no” word. In the same time, has been discovered that our brain doesn’t assimilate the word “no” and it will give you the result by cutting that word. For example, if you say: “I don’t want to work in a team with gossip mean people”, the brain will rearrange the meaning and for it will be: “I want to work in a team with gossip mean people.” And this is what you’ll get.

So what would be the proper alternative to this situation? Again, starting to stay in contact with the positive as much as possible, so to say. So let’s re-write (and think ;)) the example above: “I want/wish/aspire/desire to work and be part of a team compound by extraordinary, genuine, good, trustworthy people.” Can you feel the difference? Yes, I know it’s a matter of exercise, and many times you will feel that making this kind of “exercise” with yourself it can be really challenging. But again, being more aware of this and staying on the positive part as much as possible, you will very soon see other great results in your life. It is a matter of perspective and balance.

We are the sum of our thoughts and expectations, and we will receive exactly what we expect. But please be aware of the action. Because the action is the fuel that put your life on the road, but like every other “car” (life), it needs to be driven by its driver. Maybe once in a while you will need to change the “fuel brand” or one of the “wheels” from your life-car, or paying attention to the “passengers” that keep you company. But all in all, remember to keep going. There is nothing more rewarding than taking action instead of zero action.

And remember, what you expect, is what you get, and one day, all your hard work will pay off :)

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