Tuesday 3 January 2017

Smiling – an international language

Hello in a New Wonderful Year everyone.

As promised here (to myself included ;)), I’ve come back with my first article on 2017. And what better way to start (or restart) this writing and photographic journey then not with an article about…smiling? I hope this will give us a good boost for the year that has just started.

Have you’ve noticed that every time we interact with people that have an extraordinary smile on their face, somehow we receive that great positive vibe? Or, in the contrary, when we stay in front of someone that is sober almost all the time, we have a negative feeling? Of course that not accidentally I’ve mentioned “almost all the time”. Because after all, it’s a matter of situation, relativity and perspective. But I bet you have felt these kinds of emotional states, even if you maybe weren’t aware of them.

Smiling it’s a great gesture that can transmit so many things and definitely make our day better. It is said that even when you don’t want to smile because you are in a bad mood, even if you just try to put a smile on your face, you will “trick” your brain into believing that something good it’s about to happen and you will start believing that it will. So why don’t give it a try?

Along the way, I had the chance to interact with great people. In this way I’ve learned to recognize in one person different types of smiling, so to speak. One for friends and family, one for business, one when you had a hard day, one when you are relaxed, one to cover emotions, and so on and so forth. And I’ve started to realize more and more that this wonderful gesture of smiling it’s something that everybody can have. No matter the social or economic background, what job position one has, the money one has in his or her bank account, no matter the happy moments or the sad days.

And why not enjoying more every smiling moment? It definitely makes our days better, no matter if we are in the office or in a park, being in a meeting, listening to music, taking pictures or creating a report. So imagine that true genuine smile, which shows you a wonderful and extraordinary soul. Yours or the one's of the people around you, no matter the language you speak or where you were born.

So I hope you have a sparkling New Year, with good and shiny people by your side! This is similar to a message recently received that made me feel very grateful and to smile instantly :)


  1. When I was a teenager I went to a cheap market to buy a pair of earings.I was kind of a sad and when I asked the salesmsn how much doed it cost, he replied to me:4 lei and a smile. That was the most authentic smile I have ever had o my face, needless to say that it had changed my whole state of feeling, that day and many other more. The more I read your srticle, the more I smiled, so thank you!

    1. Raluca, thank you too for sharing here this wonderful little story. Indeed, sometimes it so easy to make the world a better place just by using a genuine smile. It doesn't cost a thing, but it's so priceless :)

    2. PS: I'm really glad to know that my article had this effect on you. x
