Wednesday 28 December 2016

An Extraordinary (Smart) Goal For 2017

     Traveling and trips, vacations and holidays, city breaks and last-minutes offer. For me, for a very long time, these words gave me a sort of strange feeling. Even if we live in this fast moving era, a flying ticket that it’s so affordable and with so many options for enjoying so many parts of the world, I didn't have the chance to explore anything else besides Romania. Ok, I’ve been only one day in Bulgaria, but I suppose that doesn’t count :))

     Talking recently with a very dear friend, he gave me that sort of wake-up call that we all hear and feel once in a while. He was very confused when I tried to explain why I didn’t face my fear of traveling until now. Because yes, for me it was a fear that kept me back in my own very well known environment. A fear that, I have to admit to my very dear friend, he was right, it doesn’t help to anything. All in the contrary. I even got to that point when feeling that because of my “lack of traveling”, as to say, I’ve lost great opportunities in life. And having our discussion gave me the feeling that I will lose even more great moments and opportunities if I will not have the courage to step outside my comfort zone.

     What it’s even more interesting it’s the fact that, even here in Romania, every time I went in a new place, after coming back from that trip, I felt absolutely amazing. More creative, very inspired, and with a great state of mind. Why didn't I have the power to make a habit out of traveling? Exactly because of that so frustrating fear. Probably for those who travel on a regular basis, this idea may seem strange. And I do understand them. And because I started also to understand more and more the benefits of traveling, both professionally and personally (having the possibility to interact and to know new people, changing ideas and so on), I’ve decided to take action again. I do like to say that action conquers fear.

     So for the New Year that it’s about to start and for every other year starting with 2017, one of my major goals is to travel as much as possible. Where I want and when I want. This definitely gives me a “wow” state of mind and soul, among others. And because somehow I know I can do that thanks to that extraordinary friend I’ve just mentioned, I am very grateful to have this kind of open-minded people by my side. The support and understanding of the special people from one’s life do make a huge impact on that life.

     I wish all of you to have a magic 2017 New Year, to accomplish all your goals, surrounded in your heart and thoughts by extraordinary people, and to live the moment! Life’s awesome and time it’s priceless :) Happy New Year!

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