Friday 16 December 2016

You can run, but you can’t hide

It took me a while to understand the meaning of this. As it took me a great time of my life to realize that the only thing in life that makes the difference is our perception and how we choose to see things. Simple, but not easy. Still working on dealing with this, and also with the fact that after all, everything is so relative.

Sometimes I have the feeling that I’ve lost my compass and obviously I wonder how I can find it back. What should I do in this perspective? What actions can make me more aware of myself? And how can I find the power once again to pass to a certain struggle? I suppose this happens to all of us.

When we are not involved it’s so easy to see the solution for others, but when we have to deal with our own emotions and fears it’s absolutely mind blowing. But I suppose every step, no matter how little it is, can definitely make a difference. Action conquers fear, right?

So even if I’ve promised myself that I wouldn’t think about it, I can’t help it. And if I think better, I do want to think about it because, no matter how much it hurts, in the end, I know it helps. So even if we run from ourselves, there will always be someone dear and special for us that will give us the power to find the true us. No matter if will take 2 hours, 4 days, 5 weeks or 3 years. And no matter who it is.

I had to learn through experience that there are people in our life that can make us feel so special, and give us such extraordinary moments and others that put a painful stamp in our soul that probably will never disappear.

So what’s next? Sometimes helps just go with the flow and enjoy the moment. Life is indeed wonderful. As once I’ve learned in college, there’s a very fascinating Latin saying: carpe diem :)

PS: Starting January 2017 I want to write at least once a week here also. This is a very useful and helpful objective for me and I know it’s only up to me to organize accordingly. So please wish me luck :D

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