Tuesday 23 May 2017

The Magic of Words


   Magic? Words? There is a magic understanding in using words? This is something that recently I’ve realized once again, moreover when discussing with a friend why do I like to use this word.

   Yes, for me it’s more about the feeling that stays behind the word/terminology/ you name it. Because I’ve realized along the way that also by selecting your words carefully, you can have a huge impact on your state of mind, on what do you subconsciously transmit to those around you, and ultimately in the kind of day you have. Relaxed or grumpy, positive or negative, productive or lazy, motivated or not, take your pick.

   Most likely this word stood so clear into my mind after reading a great book: “The Magic of Thinking Big”, a book which I totally recommend, because has some great ideas that I believe they are worth considering at least. But also to put into practice ;) Talking about those ideas extracted from the book, I believe they are very useful for both our professional and personal life, as well as in any other circumstances you consider.


    With over 6 million books sold, Ph.D. David Schwartz highlights relevant inputs about the importance of thinking in a certain way (obviously, most of the time, because everyone is entitled to have some bad days once in a while :D). The thirteen chapters of his books are listed below:

  1. Believe You Can Succeed and You Will
  2. Cure Yourself of Exquisitis, The Failure Disease
  3. Build Confidence and Destroy Fear
  4. How to Think Big
  5. How to Think and Dream Creatively
  6. You Are What You Think You Are
  7. Manage Your Environment: Go First Class
  8. Make Your Attitudes Your Allies
  9. Think Right Toward People
  10. Get The Action Habit
  11. How to Turn Defeat into Victory
  12. Use Goals to Help You Grow
  13. How to Think Like a Leader

   Coming back to the title of my article, for me, it’s a combination between the title of the above-mentioned book, correlated with a lesson learned to start from very young. Meaning that words can make a huge difference in once life: the child can become more confident, the young boy or girl that steps into adolescence can become more open in conversations, the employee can feel more appreciated and give better results in his or her work, the wife or husband feels a stronger connection to one another, and so on and so forth. Obviously, If the words are carefully selected in a positive way, and again, most of the times.

   And talking about words, I remember so clear how I felt when visiting Derby, a little city two hours from London, and every time I stopped into a shop or just asking a small question, everybody was addressing to me with “Yes, Love”, “My Dear”, “Thank you”, or “Please”. So yes, for me there is a certain “magic” in knowing to speak in a positive way, in trying to bring to the surface those extraordinary feelings that can make us better and better. In the same time, being aligned with the same idea that my friend gave me, there are words that once spoken, always leave a mark on those around us.

   So have a lovely life, with extraordinary moments and marvelous people that can make all the difference in the world. After all, life is so beautiful, short, and priceless, that definitely is worth to enjoy to the maximum.