Wednesday 10 May 2017

Tourist in My Town

Another kind of reflection

   Just the other day I had this creative idea that I wish to share with you, hoping that in this way you could find an inspiration too. In general, when we live in the same place for years (or not ;)) we integrate into our daily routine a sort of “not-seeing-something-new” around us. And that is why, most of the times at least, we tend to forget to appreciate and be grateful for things that others would give anything to have.

   So how about starting today to discover a new thing, place, or activity right in your home town? How about seeing through the eyes of a tourist your own town? Me, because I like very much to take pictures and I enjoy every time the glimpse of power given through this passion, I started since last weekend to take my camera and just go where my feet would take me.

   Apart from the pictures I’ve enjoyed taking, I’ve discovered once again that feeling of stepping outside once comfort zone. Yes, it may not be such a huge step, but at the same time, the feeling given for discovering places that I haven’t known to exist in Bucharest, it felt like a very provocative experience :) Also, through those moments, I’ve realized once again that we barely find the time to stay just with us. Generally speaking, almost all the time we are surrounded by someone. Friends and family, colleagues and acquaintances, those people we meet in the supermarket or in the gym class, and so on.

   This is something that I’ve remembered also the last weekend and I have to admit it was really interesting to realize that…we need lots of power to be with our self. Why? Because when we take some moments to be with our own feelings, ideas, and desires, suddenly we start to ask ourselves questions. And asking questions can be really scary sometimes. But having the power to also give yourself answers to those questions it’s a truly remarkable proof of how strong you can be. So I could name this experience a personal development training :))

   Bringing all together, my first new stop in my old-the-same town was about discovering a new park with a great human vibe, and a street with some very colorful graffiti, exactly how my life seemed to be since forever. The next weekend, another wow new discovery.
   How about you? Any inspiring ideas for this weekend? :)

What kind of fortune? ;)

Flowers and stones

Indeed a true art


Shadow and lights

Light and shadows

Even if in Romania is almost summer, it feels like winter

Your eyes on me

Another beautiful "miau" moment

My sign for writing more

Big or small - just our own perspective

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