Thursday 18 May 2017

Organizing Skills

    Nowadays, we can see more and more in different job posts, in our day to day life, or in almost any other situation highlighted the importance of these abilities of organizing skills. Talking recently with my best friend on this topic rise me different questions related to it:

 -          How can we define a person as being organized or not?  
 -          How much does being an organized person really help us in our life? 
 -          Could it be a difference between: a) someone being disorganized, but organized for him or her at the same time (meaning that he or she can deliver good results or know precisely from where to take something), and b) someone being disorganized in a chaotic way?  
 -          Similar to the above question, there are companies where the sense of organization is more pronounced than in other companies? 
 -          What is the impact on the emotional and psychological level when having these abilities more or less developed?

   Obviously, I will come with my own experiences and try to give some answers passing through the questions mentioned above. In the same time, I believe it is very important to mention the fact that overall when we talk about these organizing skills, automatically it implies a very subjective component, specific and applied for every one of us. Because what may be very well organized for me, it may seem a chaos to you.

   If we look in Oxford Dictionary, we find that “organized” means “arranged or structured in a systematic way”, or “able to plan one's activities efficiently”. Again, as you can notice, we can still see the relative component of those definitions. 

   Coming back to my experience, being a very well organized person (or at least this is what I want to believe :D) helped me very much along the way. An example: when I went to visit U.K. this year for the first time, I could have missed the airplane back home. If I wouldn’t have organized my schedule accordingly and be in the airport before departure in the time mentioned. And just because initially, I took another train that wouldn't have stopped at Luton Airport Parkway station. The story is a bit longer, but I will keep it for another article :)) The main lesson organizing-related: take some extra time just in case. You can never know what may come up.

   Bringing all together, what I truly believe to be very important related to these organizing skills is about how they impact your life. If you feel permanently stressed, frustrated, or overwhelmed, you may consider changing something. On the other hand, if you feel more relaxed, calm, or productive, keep going with everything you do in this perspective.

   Along the way, I’ve discovered about myself that I am the kind of person that I appreciate very much when I have the chance to work with organized people and companies. In this way, I know I can be more productive, more motivated, and happier, ultimately. And because the main idea of this article is about organizing skills, I've discovered recently that I enjoy very much watching on different short YouTube videos about this topic. One of my favorites is Alejandra Costello and you can find her with very interesting ideas here.
   How about you? Have you ever asked yourself what do you like most about this organizing part of yourself?

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