Wednesday 7 June 2017

Patience Is a Virtue


   Guys, I don’t know about you, but me, every time I feel that I need a recharge, I start with some writing or reading a good book, among other things…like a strong coffee or a cup of tea full of flavors. Recently I felt that I need to start reorganizing my life. Maybe because after two days of having some fever and after other days full of different thoughts and decisions, I got to that point in life when realizing some interesting things about patience.

   Exactly like my mentor once told me, patience is a virtue. But I suddenly realized that this applies in some specific circumstances. Because meanwhile, I felt a very strong sense of accountability about the fact that:

  • I have patience for the people that understand the value of time and how priceless it is.
  • I have patience to discuss in a structured and organized way, setting clear goals, all wrapped with the sense of efficiency, positivism, effectiveness, and diplomacy. 
  • I stopped having patience with people that don’t know what they want, that they find themselves different excuses and are chaotic. And yes, for me it’s a big difference between being chaotic and being disorganized. I appreciate the lesson received through this kind of interactions, but now it’s time to move on.
  • I have patience for situations when I can see that different strong life situations can appear in someone’s life. Patience, understanding, common sense, and empathy go hand in hand for me.
  • I have patience for constructive conversations and activities, for constructive feedback, sharing knowledge and creative beautiful ideas. If someone doesn’t learn already to feel and see the difference between, for example, a constructive feedback and being negative, I don’t have the patience to explain something else related.
  • And still counting :))

   So yes, for me patience is something limited and I got to that point in life where I want to feel it and embrace it with those extraordinary people that I care about and who stay by my side. Very often we are tempted to be involved in different patience-consuming situations that ultimately leave us with a despairing sense of the futility of time. Why not being more involved in constructive-patience, good, and beautiful interactions, with quality people? Obviously, this is strictly related to our inner self, our personality and how much we know and accept what we know about ourselves. What I understand through “quality people”, in a future article ;)

   In the end, when have you felt that you were very patience and what is the life situation that made you feel like losing your patience? And what was the learning out of those two situations? Sharing is still a wonderful caring :)


  1. Yeah,you're right - patience is a virtue. And along with perserverence gives you a successful thinking. Being perseverent and not losing your temper/head with insignificant situations will definitely make you stronger and happier.;)

  2. Very good point :) And thank you very much for adding such an important reminder ;)

  3. Patience is not simply the ability to wait .... It's how we behave while we are waiting.


    1. Oana, so beautiful said :) Thank you for your precious time ;)
