Tuesday 4 July 2017

Patience, Tolerance, and Understanding


   Today I wanted to write about patience, tolerance, and understanding, starting from other life examples ;)  Some relative words and concepts I may say. And yet when we interact in life with different situations, we start on acknowledging the main idea behind these words very quickly. As quickly as we learn also about the opposite term of them. Mainly not having patience, nor tolerance, nor understanding. 

   I’ve realized recently, after one meeting with a friend, that, in general, is more easy to see those things that upset us in our interaction with others, but if we do a similar thing to someone else, we don’t think about the impact that our action may have on the other person. 

   Let me be more specific. We have the following two situations:

         -          A woman and a man, once married, now divorced, with a little baby boy. The boy stays with the mother. They have agreed on the visiting timetable, regarding the child schedule. In one of the days, he establishes a meeting between him, his ex-wife, their boy and another couple of friends, and just let his ex-wife know about the situation. The woman is very upset with her ex-husband because he didn’t consult her prior to establish that meeting with the other couple.

        -          The same woman, different scenario. She establishes a meeting with one of her friends. Let’s call it “Friend A”. Meanwhile, without asking her “Friend A” the opinion about also inviting to their meeting “Friend B”, she goes along and invite “Friend B” to their meeting. When the same woman from both of these life situations comes up to the meeting with “Friend A”, she just let her friend know about the situation, presuming that “Friend A” will not be upset about the arrangement.

   Now, coming back to the idea of patience, tolerance, and understanding. I just ask myself, it would not be this world a better and better place every day if, instead of jumping into conclusions, or staying more focused on the negative, to try to be more understanding? 

   I’m not saying to be taken for a full, or let for anyone else to take advantage of your kind heart, or dictate on your time. I’m just saying that, maybe, trying to make a sort of mentally exercise every time we face different life situations, that may transform us into a grumpy person (:D), just to remember that no one is perfect. And that, maybe what you claim so hard and loud that you don’t do, or what you expect from others to give you, have in mind that you should give in return. Talking about “human expectations”, in a future article ;)

   Bringing all together, understanding, forgiveness, tolerance, patience, good spirit, and kind soul is the appanage of the people with a strong emotional attitude. In the same time, don’t confuse them with other feelings that come from other corners of our soul, starting from childhood through adolescence and while becoming a grown up. 

   When was the last time you’ve put yourself in someone else shoes, and truly understand his or her emotions and feelings? :)


  1. Every single day! :)

    1. I'm so glad to know that! And congratulations for such an emotional strength :)Keep going with this great "work" with yourself.

  2. I do it almost effortless and for that I didn't see it as a strength in life so far. I thought it is a curse, or some way to pay for my mistakes from another life. :) I feel like I'm bound to it. What do you think about this?

  3. Very interesting your comment :) From my point of view, I wouldn't see this as being a curse, but rather something that helps you along the way to discover your self and to better understand you. But like I've said, from my point of view... ;)
