Thursday 20 July 2017


     No matter what type of environment we have in mind if it’s business or personal, between family and friends, or colleagues and acquaintances, every time we overthink it will definitely be very destructive for us. It is said that, for example, if you wait too much, will come someone else who doesn’t expect the right moment. Because ultimately there is no right moment, every moment is right, but we just need to have the power to see and hear that and take action accordingly.

     The main idea of this article, about overthinking, and in certain cases how harmful it can be, it came into my mind after a recent business interaction in the entrepreneurial field. I know that it’s a very big difference between let’s say a global multinational company and a start-up. But lest we forget that every multinational company started also as a small company. Over there it was the same most important factor mainly a human being with his or her beliefs, fears, desires, and vision.

     That is why I believe that what truly made the difference is precisely the power of someone to take action accordingly and surpass these fears. Fears that I believe we all have, no matter if we call ourselves husband or wife, friend, national sales manager, CEO, cleaning lady, brother or sister, and so on and so forth. Because this stays in the human nature to be like this. And more often than not, in order to succeed, is not about the money, or having the proper technical resources, or about a business plan perfectly written. Yes, of course, these variables are important, but I am a strong believer of the fact that one needs a proper mix between them, and inter correlated with the power and courage to take action.

     I remember a dear friend telling me a story about the fact that everybody was asking him how did he manage to start his business from a financial point of view, and his answer was: “With the clients’ financial resources”. Pretty inspiring I would say. Coming back to the idea of overthinking, I also saw situations where because of those fears people were blocked in this state and practically miss important moments and opportunities, and not only in the business arena.

     And ultimately the question is: “What is truly important for me?” Not being hurt, not losing money, not having a successful life or career (whatever “success” may mean for every one of us), or the extraordinary and marvelous outcome through feelings and experiences learned along the way?

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