Thursday 13 July 2017

The Importance of Connecting with Others

   As you may probably know by now, one of my favorite hobbies is reading. Business, personal development, education, fiction, hobbies, and so on and so forth. It just depends on the state of mind, and what kind of brain fitness or food do I want to give to my brain :) That being said, I’ve started recently another great book: “Daring Greatly – How the Courage to be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead”, by Brene Brown. In one of the book’s pages, you can find a great idea which inspired me to write this article and adapted it accordingly with my own views and experiences.

   Brene Brown said very well that “Connection is why we’re here. We are hardwired to connect with others, it’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives, and without it there is suffering.” Touche! What I would like to add to this is the fact that, at least for me, it is very important the quality of those I interact and connect with, no matter the nature of the relationship. For many years I felt that by saying this, someone will misinterpret the idea behind this saying. Or that maybe will judge me in a way, or…, or…, or…. And it happened. But gues what? I got to that point in life when realizing two very important things:

         1.          Those quality people that I’ve just mentioned earlier, those that give me wings to fly, help me to rise after every fall, those who inspire me, those that trigger my brain and soul in a very profound and positive way, those are the people that will never make me feel uncomfortable, unappreciated, or in any other negative state. And these are the people that I want to have by my side, no matter the distances, the odds, the disagreements we may have, the circumstances we interact in life.

         2.          Those people who judge me, who don’t have the patience to understand me, or try to drag me emotionally speaking down, who are rude and frustrated, for those people I stopped having room in my life. As I stopped trying to explain anything or to waste my energy and time with them.

   And precisely about the number 1 ( ;) ) people I want to talk in this article. Those are the people that I want to have by my side. Those people with healthy activities that influence their life and the life of those around them in a very good way. Those people that have an extraordinary inner self, that even if they had to pass to enormous struggles in life, they find the power to be an example for those around them, through understanding, forgiveness, patience, or lots of other positive feelings.

   Those people that you can recognize from miles away (if you have the power to listen to your instinct) about the impact they will have on your life in a such profound way. Those people that give you priceless moments and memories for a lifetime. Because, ultimately, it’s not about the number of people you have by your side, but about the impact they have in your life. Constructive or destructive, that’s your choice! And you will be the one to live with the consequences of your choices.

   And yes, along the way I’ve learned (from life experience, and not from books :D), that people with a certain type of activities and hobbies are more likely to become extraordinary people in the detriment of others. Similar to that, another life-lesson-experience is about the words that people choose to use. Make a little game out of this and pay attention to their words, and you will receive so many details about that person, about his/her temperament and character. Have you ever heard/read from someone marvelous and outstanding transmitting or using ugly, bad, rude words?

   Coming back, I’m pretty sure every one of us had to deal with different strong life interactions. And as a natural course of nature, I believe we are built to learn also through comparison. And today, for the first time in a very long time, I’ve realized how blessed I am for having the chance to see the both sides of the coin, meaning to have met all kind of people that helped me to appreciate so much more the quality people that I have in my life. So yes, it is very important to connect with other people, but equally important is what kind of people.

   My decision? Now, no matter where and when, always with the “wow” :)


  1. I have tears in my eyes after reading this. Your words and ideas elevate my spirit and reveal the light that is your soul! I can't stop repeating myself: You are indeed a remarkable woman and a great human beeing, Cris! :)

  2. Again, thank you very much for your precious time for giving this comment. I appreciate very much your kind words :) I just try through every article and idea highlighted on this blog to give a little reminder about aspects of life that I consider to be relevant. And if, through these articles I can make someone's day a little brighter, this is definitely something very valuable for me. Thank you once again!
