Thursday 23 March 2017

Living In The Now

   In our day to day run away life, very often we forget to live the present. We stay stuck in a far away past or have so many thoughts and worries for an unknown future. And so rare we remember to actually live in the now. And we have a sort of wake-up call when hard things happen in our life or we realize how fragile life is. So many times we take everything for granted and ignore to appreciate the things we have the chance to have or the extraordinary people that are in our life. We stay concentrated on the negative because it’s easier in this way, we ignore to say “thank you” and “I love you” because we think we have all the time in the world, or that we deserve everything we have. Or if we say it, we don’t mean it, and sometimes we are not even aware of this difference.

   But when we will learn to reverse the balance so to say, when we will be first grateful and after that thankful for who and what we have in our life, everything will start fit into place properly. Moreover, when we will learn to say to those special people in our life everything they mean to us, as much as possible, we will feel that profound commitment and appreciation in return. No matter what kind of relationship we have in mind (a friend will feel warm, a spouse will feel love, a colleague will feel motivation, and so on). What it is truly important is to train this positive aspect of living in the now.

   I know from my own experience how hard it can be sometimes to say these extraordinary kind words or to enjoy this present moment that I am talking about. Again from my own experience, I know that, if you have the power to make a habit out of this, the emotional reward and development it’s absolutely amazing. Don’t let only the shocking moments of losing a relative, friend, or colleague to make you aware of how important it is to appreciate the beautiful present with all your amazing people in your life.

   Make a “habit” out of this idea of living in the now and practice so many good feelings. I believe the positive state of mind and soul it’s a “work” that it’s great to do every day. After all, it is not random the fact that I’ve chosen to insert in my blog’s name the expression “journey to self-discovery” :)


  1. ... You are truly a remarcable woman, Cris!

    1. Thank you very much for your supportive comment.
